Last But Not Least--#18 Neglected Dynamite

Nov 25, 2022

Publishing houses have repeatedly declared that the Bible is the most published book. Originally written on papyrus and leather scrolls, the Bible is not available in various sizes, languages, exterior colors, and translations. Online and d editions of the Bible also exist.

Yet it is also true that the Bible is one of the most neglected books in the Western hemisphere. Even among those who call themselves believers, few can honestly say they have time set aside daily for Bible Study.

The younger generation often ignores the Bible, while this generation chases spirituality through various causes, occultic practices, and strange religions. Yet the Bible still speaks. It speaks with authority and power to those who will listen to its words. It defines a narrow road that leads to righteousness and eternal life and debunks the claims of other religions.

The Bible also declares it has its supernatural origin. The Bible proclaims its unique status as a document that speaks to each...

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External Proofs of Inspiration--#15

Nov 19, 2022

The Bible claims to be a unique writing, a writing that contains the thoughts and plans of the Elohim. This Biblical claim forces humanity to face a series of “If” questions: 

  • If the Bible is the Word of God, then a person had better pay attention to It (Isaiah 34:16). 
  • If the Bible is truly God's Word, then this communication from God is more important than one's home, job, or present circumstances. Even one's concern for others whom one might love or hate pales next to the significance that Almighty God desires to instruct an individual (Isaiah 1: 18-20). 
  • If the Bible is God's Word, it is vitally important that the individual knows what information is in the book (Psalms 119:104). 
  • If the Bible is God's Word, then the Bible alone can fully explain man's feelings of confusion and lostness over his existence (Genesis 3), and the Bible alone will contain the solutions to the questions one faces. 
  • If the Bible is God's communication to...
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The Word--Part 2

Nov 16, 2022

Like Moses, David, and even Jesus, the Psalmist treasured the written Word of God.

The Psalmist also knows that he can trust God to protect him and © fulfill His promises (Ps. 56:4). God had already demonstrated the power of His truth (Ps. 33:4) and His covenant promises. God had spoken and acted upon these promises throughout the ages (Ps. 105:8, 147:19). Thus, the promises of God, contained in His Word, give men hope during various trials. "My soul fainteth for salvation, but I hope in Thy Word." (Ps. 119:8l see also 119:116. 107, 154, 41). Over and over again, the Psalmist declares that

  • " I hope in Thy Word." (Ps. 118:81).
  • "I trust in Thy Word." (Ps. 119:423).
  • "I have hoped in Thy Judgements" (Ps. 119: 43),
  • and "in His Word do I hope." (Ps. 130:5).

God's Word also brings comfort and renewal during trials and afflictions (Ps. 119:50, 67, 82). Thus, when the Psalmist needs God's help and protection, he turns to God's Word and His promises as a basis for his pleas for help....

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#11-The Canonicity of the Books of the Bible

Sep 29, 2022

We have looked at various issues concerning the Bible--Its revelatory nature, Its authority, Its inspiration, etc. But how did the Bible become the Bible? Why were Isaiah, Nahum, and Revelation included in the Bible but the Gospel of Thomas Book of Jasper omitted? In answering these questions, we are discussing the canonicity of the Bible.

The canonicity of the Bible refers to the authoritative books inspired by God for inclusion in Holy Scripture. C. The antiquity or authenticity of a book [nor the prestige of a religious community] could make a book canonical or authoritative. A book is valuable because it is canonical and not canonical because it is or was considered venerable. Its authority is established by God and merely discovered by God's people. [Dr. Norman Geisler, 2005.]. In other words, the Holy Spirit revealed which books were to be made part of the Canon and included within the...

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#10--The Trustworthiness and Endurance of the Scriptures

Sep 28, 2022

It was recently revealed that Communist China is rewriting the Bible to control Christians and deceive them into giving their allegiance to the Communist Chinese party.

  • The Chinese Communist Party, China's ruling regime, has been on a mission to rewrite the Bible. This quest has reportedly resulted in shocking distortions of Scripture and Gospel truth. [,
  • "The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced plans to update the Bible to 'keep pace with the times.' The revisions will include adding 'core socialist values' and removing passages that do not reflect communist beliefs," a VOM Facebook post read.
  • The Chinese Communist Party is demanding that the...
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#9--Miracles are Real!

Sep 27, 2022

One aspect of the Bible that creates stumbling blocks for many folks is the Bible's accounts of miracles. Many non-believers and Liberal theologians doubt the veracity and inspiration of the Biblical record because the Bible recounts various miracles.

What is a miracle? According to the Bible, a miracle is an event or activity only God can perform. It involves the direct and decisive action of God. This action usually supersedes one or more natural laws. Miracles defy behavioral expectations [such as the plague of frogs] or natural laws [Jesus' walking on the water]. Miracles testify to the supernatural work of God. Miracles demonstrate God's mastery over the physical universe and His interest in the lives of individuals and groups.

The incredible nature of some of these recorded miracles leads some people to reject the Bible. However, these miracles are actual historical events. Although these occurrences may appear fantastic and almost unbelievably extraordinary to man's limited...

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#8--Beliefs of the Church Fathers

Sep 24, 2022

The early Church Fathers accepted the Old Testament Scriptures based upon the testimony of Jesus. Jesus had revealed to His disciples that His life and ministry fulfilled the Old Testament Scriptures.

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever, shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. [Mt. 5:17-19, KJV]

Then He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken!  Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?”  And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He ...

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#7--Authority of Scripture

Sep 24, 2022

I have written about the supernatural nature of Scripture, focusing on the revelatory nature of God's Word. I have also written about how humanity "got the message" [so to speak] of God's revelation. Through the process of "inspiration," God directed men to write down what He revealed to them.

Authority of Scripture

Today, let us consider the authority of Scripture. The Bible claims to be authoritative because it reveals God's decrees and laws.

  • The Scriptures are the commandments of the Lord (1 Co. 14:37; Heb. 1:2). Since God created humanity, we must obey the old and New Testaments as God's orders to us. The primary revelation "in these last days" is Jesus. Jesus demonstrated by His life, as well through his words, the love of the Father. The New Testament writings of Paul, Peter, and others serve as part of this Written revelation concerning Jesus that helps to clarify Jesus' sacrificial role and to prepare the Church for Jesus' return.
  • Over one-third of the Bible consists of...
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Sep 22, 2022

The Bible claims to be a supernatural book, a record of God's purpose and plans for humanity. It reveals how humanity's relationship with God was broken and restored through God's sending of Jesus Christ to die and become alive again. It also promises that when Jesus returns, all vestiges of sin will be removed from humanity's experience forever.

Yet how did the supernatural revelation of God's plans get recorded in a written form? The Bible plainly states that God is a spirit, yet the Bible, for all its supernatural claims, is a material object that even a child can hold in their hand. How did something composed of spirit change into a material asset? The answer is a process theologians call "inspiration."

Through "inspiration," each of the sixty-six books of the Bible was originally written down. God Himself supernaturally guided the writers to write what He wanted. As 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us,

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and...

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#5--The Nature of Scripture

Sep 19, 2022

The Bible is unlike any other religious work. While other works express man's philosophies or religious ideals, the Bible declares that It alone contains a true and accurate written revelation of God.

Now, as we continue the discussion of the importance of the Bible, we must recognize that the Bible is the written, recorded revelation of God [Jesus is the Incarnate Word].

So what does this mean to say that "the Bible is the written, recorded revelation of God?" 

Now, before I answer that, we have to stop a moment and consider some words that religious scholars nonchalantly fling about in describing the Scriptures. Knowing these words will may our discussion clearer. We could spend days discussing each of these definitions, but their meanings will become more evident as we progress.

  • The first definition is "revelation." "Revelation"refers to a supernatural communication from the Creator God to man. Through this unique revelation, God reveals a truth or truths to a person which...
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