Check out what God is sayingĀ about 2024!

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Now Available!

What do you think of the Bible?  Do you know what It says about Itself?

My new e-book, Let the Bible Speak,  can answer many questions about this ancient but timely book.  If you want to know what makes the Bible unique and why millions believe the Bible contains God's Word, you will want to read Let the Bible Speak.


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Got Questions? Need Guidance?

Have these tumultuous days left you hungry for the “more” that exists beyond what you see?

Do you yearn to have God touch your life?

Are you struggling to find answers for walking in the supernatural realm with God?


You are in the right place!

Discover All God Has for You!

Have Hope for the Future

Your past is not your future. You can start fresh and learn new ways to live out your faith. God wants you to experience an abundant life of abundance. Let us help you discover the gifts God has given you, identify hindrances to your obeying God, and equip you for achieving your God-given dreams. You can trust that God will be with you every step of the way.


Gain Perspective

Let us help you gain a prophetic perspective maintaining peace in the middle of life's storm.   Through our blogs, free downloads, and videos, you will uncover principles for avoiding the traps of fear and shame, plus gaining the ability to recognize the traps of false prophecy, false religion, or other pitfalls. 



God wants to release spiritual gifts in our life!  Every believer needs Bible-based training to understand the purpose and activation of spiritual gifts and ministries, evaluate prophecy and other spiritual manifestations correctly,  and avoid snares to fulfill their God-given destiny. You don't have to start from scratch; let us help you grow!


A Free Report for You!

Why are the Old Testament prophets different from Ā New Testament prophets? What caused the change? Ā Find out in this free report, Jesus and the Prophetic!

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Do You Sense the Call of God?

Do you think God has a special purpose for your life?

Do you feel stuck?

Do you want to follow God's call but don't know how?

This newly revised, free e-booklet can help! 


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Our world is in turmoil; many people are confused, disheartened, and disillusioned. However, hope exists; God is sending men and women as His prophetic voices as His messengers, His "special delivery service" to deliver His words of comfort, encouragement, and revelation into all areas of society and to all sorts of people.   
However,  while many claim to know the answers to the world's problems, do they? What makes a person a true prophet or apostle? How do you spot the "fakes," the swindlers, the manipulators?   
And what do you do if you sense that God might be calling you to a spiritual ministry? 
Hello! My name is Lynn Watkins, and I am a member of God's "special delivery service"! This website is dedicated to helping people find answers to their questions concerning spiritual gifts, prophetic ministry, and prophets. Our goal? To cut through the false teachings, erroneous beliefs, and fears by providing Biblical-based teaching wrapped in hope, comfort, and understanding through the power of the Holy Spirit. 
True prophetic ministry is neither "hocus pocus" nor "hokum." It is God releasing His truth and wisdom into a confused and deceived world. He is looking for men and women to speak His word and reveal His love and power throughout society. 
Our ultimate goal? To build up the entire Body of Christ and reveal the reality of God's love and power to a lost and confused world. 
Learn More

"Lynn is passionate about helping others to understand the prophetic calling....Highly recommend Lynn."

Aivars M.

Our Commitment to You


This site is not a"dialing for dollars" or "prophesy for payment" website. Rather, we incorporate God's Word, knowledge of spiritual gifts, and life experience under the direction of the Holy Spirit to help others discover their giftings, grow in their faith, fulfill God's purpose for their lives, and become leaders who can help others find purpose and meaning in life. 


We seek to build unity among our sisters and brothers in Christ, not exalt ourselves.  We are committed to the entire Ekklesia of God, the Church.  We anticipate the Ekklesia arising as the beautiful Bride of Christ, standing without spot or wrinkle, and look to see that Bride, full of the Holy Spirit, overcoming all the works of the enemy in Jesus' name.  


We are committed to building up and promoting maturity in Christ, so that every believer may be fully established in their unique position in the Body.  Our goal is to help believers mature and fulfill the call God has placed upon their lives. Every believer is to carry the presence of the Lord into whatever facet of culture God directs the saint to impact.


No matter what your political affiliationĀ is, if you love Jesus, this is the shirt for you! Take a stand in this season without speaking a word.



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