Be like Jesus!

prophetic teaching Oct 28, 2020
In the midst of a somewhat heated election season, we as believers are called upon by the Lord to exhibit grace, mercy, kindness, justice, and truth.
We are to extend grace, mercy, and kindness, even to those we disagree with politically or philosophically. We are to bless those who curse us and pray for those who abuse us. We are also to pray for justice to be manifested.
And we are to relentlessly war in the heavenlies with the Truth of God using the Worth of Truth [the Scriptures] and the Name of Jesus. For we are wrestling not against flesh and blood but against the unseen realm of principalities and rulers who seek to deceive, manipulate, and destroy.
Our enemies are not people, but the forces that control them, even when they don't know it. We are to extend grace and mercy to people but go after the root--in the same way, we must go after the root of the Kudzu [a very invasive vine, found in the South for all you Northerners].
How do we do this?  
1] Believe that what God says is true--that the authority God gave to Jesus, Jesus extends to us.  We have the right to declare God's will into the earth {"Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."}
2]  Ask God to show us prophetically what our assignment is.  Every soldier in an earthly battle must follow orders, maintain his proper position, and understand battle objectives for victory to be achieved.  How much more do we need to know what God's assignment is for us to follow!
3]  Pray in faith, not just for personal needs but using that prayer as a lifeline to tap into the power of God.  God inhabits His people's praises, so praise Him, celebrate His character [see 2 Chronicles 20] and speak out loud His victory over the situation.
3]  Specifically ask God to block, hinder, and remove the demonic influence controlling the situation.  Take a position of authority in the Name of Jesus--the Name that is over every other authority and that covers your and others in the blood of Jesus.
4] Give thanks for what God is doing. Praise Him.
5]  Finish by reminding the enemy he cannot counterattack because the blood of Jesus covers you and your household.

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