Time for Your Medicine

Feb 08, 2023

I listened to the President's State of the Union address this evening. I will let others debate [nicely, I hope] the merits of the various new programs discussed. It was the end of the address I am writing about.

I was ready to weep when, in the end, the president appealed to American pride, saying Americans are the best; we can do anything; we can overcome any problem, etc.

Yes, we can do anything---IF God is with us.


We can have peace, prosperity, safety, and social justice for all--IF we seek His face.


But walking in pride is even now leading us toward disaster as we listen to the pied-piper of selfish arrogance.


Our problem did not start with politics and will not end with politics--we are suffering from heart disease. Our hearts are growing cold toward God and hard toward anyone or anything except ourselves.


The cure?

2 Chronicles 7:14--14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and...

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