Today is Labor Day, September 4th. Summer heat still clings to the days, but fall's cooling promise is growing. While our days are still over 90 degrees here in South Carolina, the nights are cooling off, falling into the low 70s and high 60s.
It has been a tough summer. Ferocious wildfires have ravaged Canada, Hawaii, and California; smaller, less publicized fires have hit other states. Floods have devastated several states. Excessive heat has caused deaths in the South and West. And, even as summer is ending, a hurricane has devastated "the Bend" in Florida.
This summer has also been challenging for me personally. Several friends are dealing with life-threatening illnesses. One of these friends is now celebrating her homecoming in heaven. My own battle for good health seems to be at a stalemate.
Through it all, a sense of God's peace has prevailed. The struggle has been challenging. However, three revelations have made this journey easier.
Although my writing and recording “to-do list” is piling up, I have been engaging in that well-known “spring cleaning” activity. I hadn’t planned on this, but when a friend down-sized her home, I purchased two of her bookcases to replace my cobbled-together, rickety cases in my study. However, once we began to move things around, we discovered dust bunnies and collywobbles in all sorts of spaces. The cleaning began!
Why am I sharing this now? While cleaning, I found this prayer which I wrote several years ago. It reminded me that while house cleaning is good, taking time to present our hearts before the Lord is better. That prayer says in part:
Dear Lord. It’s May! I am sitting in one of my favorite restaurants having lunch alone, except I know You are here. I have no Bible or phone [The phone is back home uploading pictures to the internet]. Although the power was out at church today, the pastor preached on the “anointing.
Have you suddenly had the ground pulled out from under you? Has a loved one hurt you deeply? Have close friends suddenly turned their backs on you or accused you of wretched motives over a simple misunderstanding? Do you feel like you are being crushed under heavy weights?
As Christians, we are called to walk in peace, but life is sometimes full of turmoil.
When this happens, I ask myself: Have I sinned? Is this a Satanic attack? Is God testing me?
Now, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 18 [approximately 1000 years ago, according to some people]. I still remember feeling so light as if a heavy weight was off my shoulders, refreshed, and joyful.
My new life was free, paid for by Jesus with His blood. Yet I soon learned that Jesus "never promised me a rose garden." As I began to read the Scriptures, I discovered the Scriptures spoke of trials and a need for me to respond to the Lord in ways that I did not fully comprehend.
The first Bible book I read after...
I have recently released a couple of videos concerning revival and awakening. [You can check these out on my YouTube channel,
So, what do we "need" to receive these things?
First, we must recognize our need to be refreshed in the Lord. Oh, we may not have stumbled into some great, massive act of sin. We may not be
BUT--What is the status of our hearts? What is the primary focus of our attention? Have we become complacent in our faith? Psalm 139 say
Search me, God, and know my heart.
Try me, and know my thoughts.
See if there is any wicked way in me,
and lead me in the everlasting way [Psalm 139:23-24, WEB].
We can only pray that prayer in Psalm 139 with...
I have been on the run, traveling and learning, and [I hope!] growing in the Lord. My last stop was at the Leadership Summit for Prophets in Charleston, S.C. It was a fairly intense two days [think of the difference between condensed orange juice and regular juice to understand the level of intensity]. Pastor Samuel imparted wisdom to all those who attended to receive.
On the second day of the summit, we had a round table summit to discuss what God was doing in the nation and the world. My assigned topic was “What God is saying to His Leaders.” The following is a copy of what God spoke at this round table:
The word of the Lord to those who call themselves “shepherds” concerning the heart, actions, and rewards of shepherds:
Know this, all who call themselves shepherds, my measuring rod is in My hand. I have measured you and am now separating you one from another as the shepherd separates the rams from his nursing ewes with lambs and...
Some call the events happening at Ashbury "a move of God."
Some call it "revival."
Some wonder if this is some type of spiritual hysteria.
Some think Asbury is not "worthy" of a move of God.
But God is God and moves as He wills. Please check out my YouTube video:
There will be no romantic dinner tonight.
There will be no balloons.
Nor will there be candles, jewelry, or a romantic movie. Instead, my spouse will be spending the evening elsewhere, and I am proud he is.
For many valentines, my husband was working in the hospital. Sometimes I could join him for a quick dinner in the doctor’s lounge. Other times, he didn’t even have time to eat. This year, he will be helping someone we know who has an immediate need.
But when I think of my husband, I think of what Jesus said,
“This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do whatever I command you [John 15:12-14, WEB].
My husband understands what love is. Love is being kind, generous, caring, helpful, understanding, and unselfish. As 1 Corinthians 13 says,
Love doesn’t envy. Love doesn’t brag, is not...
I was asked recently how a person could obey the Biblical command to "stir up the giftings" within us. After all, no one I know wants to be considered the lazy, wicked servant Jesus spoke about in the Parable of the Ten Talents.
"For it is like a man going into another country, who called his own servants and entrusted his goods to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his own ability. Then he went on his journey. Immediately he who received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. In the same way, he also who got the two gained another two. But he who received the one talent went away, dug in the earth, and hid his lord's money.
"Now after a long time, the lord of those servants came, and settled accounts with them…. "He also who had received the one talent came and said, 'Lord, I knew you that you are a hard man, reaping where you didn't sow, and gathering where you didn't...
Recently, a friend asked me to explain the terminology used to indicate times and seasons in the Bible and among modern prophets. I wrote my friend the following letter, and I hope that it is helpful for you also.
Dear .....,
You asked about the "'times and season" issues that prophets face when prophesying.
First, I admit it is easy to get the timing of a prophetic word wrong. I have done so. I had to repent because I accidentally misled someone. I specifically remember [back when Mike was a resident] about prophesying that a disastrous storm was coming. I said it would happen within two weeks. It did come, but it was more like two years. Fortunately, our pastor, Max Flynn, stepped in and corrected that word so folks didn't panic.
When giving a prophetic word, I often warn people that God's timing differs from humanity's. God exists outside of time and steps into time as He will.
Why is the Bible so important? Why must a person consider the claims of the Bible carefully? In other words, what's the point of the Bible?
We've previously talked about letting the Bible speak for itself and considering what it says about itself. These include the claims that:
However, numerous lies and distortions concerning the Bible's teachings are still bandied about. One often repeated fallacy is that the God of the Old Testament is not the God of the New Testament. Richard Dawkins, in his book The God Delusion, states,
The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic...
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