It's Spring Cleaning Time

May 31, 2023

Although my writing and recording “to-do list” is piling up, I have been engaging in that well-known “spring cleaning” activity. I hadn’t planned on this, but when a friend down-sized her home, I purchased two of her bookcases to replace my cobbled-together, rickety cases in my study.  However, once we began to move things around, we discovered dust bunnies and collywobbles in all sorts of spaces. The cleaning began!

Why am I sharing this now? While cleaning, I found this prayer which I wrote several years ago.  It reminded me that while house cleaning is good, taking time to present our hearts before the Lord is better. That prayer says in part:

Dear Lord. It’s May! I am sitting in one of my favorite restaurants having lunch alone, except I know You are here. I have no Bible or phone [The phone is back home uploading pictures to the internet]. Although the power was out at church today, the pastor preached on the “anointing.


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Getting Ready for Refreshing

Mar 24, 2023

I have recently released a couple of videos concerning revival and awakening. [You can check these out on my YouTube channel, 

So, what do we "need" to receive these things?

First, we must recognize our need to be refreshed in the Lord. Oh, we may not have stumbled into some great, massive act of sin. We may not be

  • running around on a spouse,
  • cheating folks at business,
  • robbing folks, or
  • deliberating participating in slander.

BUT--What is the status of our hearts? What is the primary focus of our attention? Have we become complacent in our faith? Psalm 139 say

Search me, God, and know my heart.
    Try me, and know my thoughts.
 See if there is any wicked way in me,
    and lead me in the everlasting way [Psalm 139:23-24, WEB].

We can only pray that prayer in Psalm 139 with...

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Awake My Soul: Wisdom and Warnings About the Ashbury Event

Feb 18, 2023

Some call the events happening at Ashbury "a move of God."

Some call it "revival."

Some wonder if this is some type of spiritual hysteria.

Some think Asbury is not "worthy" of a move of God.

But God is God and moves as He wills.  Please check out my YouTube video:

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Time for Your Medicine

Feb 08, 2023

I listened to the President's State of the Union address this evening. I will let others debate [nicely, I hope] the merits of the various new programs discussed. It was the end of the address I am writing about.

I was ready to weep when, in the end, the president appealed to American pride, saying Americans are the best; we can do anything; we can overcome any problem, etc.

Yes, we can do anything---IF God is with us.


We can have peace, prosperity, safety, and social justice for all--IF we seek His face.


But walking in pride is even now leading us toward disaster as we listen to the pied-piper of selfish arrogance.


Our problem did not start with politics and will not end with politics--we are suffering from heart disease. Our hearts are growing cold toward God and hard toward anyone or anything except ourselves.


The cure?

2 Chronicles 7:14--14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and...

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Is Doomsday Approaching?

Jan 12, 2023

People are on edge with the war in Ukraine, extended droughts, destructive floods, and increasingly violent storms in 2022. The sense of security in what is "normal" has been shaken. Thousands, maybe millions, suffer from anxiety and mental health issues. And most leaders growl and argue, blaming one another rather than helping those that suffer.

 Is Doomsday approaching? Now, those somewhat familiar with the Bible ask, "Does this mean the end of the world is coming? Is Jesus coming soon?"

 Some are excited that Jesus is coming; others are afraid. Others scoff, saying, "People have talked for years about Jesus' return, yet I haven't seen even a whisker of His face."

 These mockers don't realize that they are fulfilling prophecy. [Check out 2 Peter 3:3-7].

 Almost everything that Jesus said would occur before He returned seems to be happening now [Luke 21]. Jesus is coming soon, and His return is getting closer by the day. But if you ask me if...

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Last But Not Least--#18 Neglected Dynamite

Nov 25, 2022

Publishing houses have repeatedly declared that the Bible is the most published book. Originally written on papyrus and leather scrolls, the Bible is not available in various sizes, languages, exterior colors, and translations. Online and d editions of the Bible also exist.

Yet it is also true that the Bible is one of the most neglected books in the Western hemisphere. Even among those who call themselves believers, few can honestly say they have time set aside daily for Bible Study.

The younger generation often ignores the Bible, while this generation chases spirituality through various causes, occultic practices, and strange religions. Yet the Bible still speaks. It speaks with authority and power to those who will listen to its words. It defines a narrow road that leads to righteousness and eternal life and debunks the claims of other religions.

The Bible also declares it has its supernatural origin. The Bible proclaims its unique status as a document that speaks to each...

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The Shift--Parts 2 and 3

Aug 16, 2022

Yesterday I began sharing the first of a series of words concerning God's indictment of America. These words are a stern warning, indicating that God's forbearance with America is ending. Today, I am posting parts 2 and 3 of that series. These portions resulted from my asking God to grant me a greater understanding of HIs concerns.

Part 2

 But I asked the Lord, "Lord, although I think I understand, will you be specific about what has disgusted you?"

 And I believe the Lord responded. He despises

  • America's greater love for money and spectacle than for righteousness or integrity.
  • Politicians who lie and destroy good people's reputations to gain money and power.
  • People who knowingly vote for evil people and evil policies to line their pockets.
  • The lazy
    • those who are too lazy to seek the truth and
    • those who are too lazy to work at gainful employment but want to eat the fruit of other people's efforts [This includes both spiritual and physical fruit].
  • Those...
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