Jentezen Franklin has said, “Do the Father's business, and He will take care of ours!” Yes! God has made every human being on earth in His image with the potential to do great things.
Whether we know it or not, we have an “I must” to fulfill because God gives us a life purpose. This “I must” from God will move us from complacency to action and change our lives. We release our desires to fulfill God’s will [Luke 22:42]. We eliminate the things that hinder us from fulfilling our purpose.
God knows Who He is and is comfortable in His identity. God is good; God is the Great I AM. Through Him [Who knows Who He is], we as human beings can understand who we are. Through Him, we also discover the purpose for which we were created.
But first, to experience all that God wants to bless us with, we must meet the essential “musts” of God. These “musts” are not negotiable and cannot be circumvented. What actions are necessary...
I have been on the run, traveling and learning, and [I hope!] growing in the Lord. My last stop was at the Leadership Summit for Prophets in Charleston, S.C. It was a fairly intense two days [think of the difference between condensed orange juice and regular juice to understand the level of intensity]. Pastor Samuel imparted wisdom to all those who attended to receive.
On the second day of the summit, we had a round table summit to discuss what God was doing in the nation and the world. My assigned topic was “What God is saying to His Leaders.” The following is a copy of what God spoke at this round table:
The word of the Lord to those who call themselves “shepherds” concerning the heart, actions, and rewards of shepherds:
Know this, all who call themselves shepherds, my measuring rod is in My hand. I have measured you and am now separating you one from another as the shepherd separates the rams from his nursing ewes with lambs and...
People are on edge with the war in Ukraine, extended droughts, destructive floods, and increasingly violent storms in 2022. The sense of security in what is "normal" has been shaken. Thousands, maybe millions, suffer from anxiety and mental health issues. And most leaders growl and argue, blaming one another rather than helping those that suffer.
Is Doomsday approaching? Now, those somewhat familiar with the Bible ask, "Does this mean the end of the world is coming? Is Jesus coming soon?"
Some are excited that Jesus is coming; others are afraid. Others scoff, saying, "People have talked for years about Jesus' return, yet I haven't seen even a whisker of His face."
These mockers don't realize that they are fulfilling prophecy. [Check out 2 Peter 3:3-7].
Almost everything that Jesus said would occur before He returned seems to be happening now [Luke 21]. Jesus is coming soon, and His return is getting closer by the day. But if you ask me if...
Publishing houses have repeatedly declared that the Bible is the most published book. Originally written on papyrus and leather scrolls, the Bible is not available in various sizes, languages, exterior colors, and translations. Online and d editions of the Bible also exist.
Yet it is also true that the Bible is one of the most neglected books in the Western hemisphere. Even among those who call themselves believers, few can honestly say they have time set aside daily for Bible Study.
The younger generation often ignores the Bible, while this generation chases spirituality through various causes, occultic practices, and strange religions. Yet the Bible still speaks. It speaks with authority and power to those who will listen to its words. It defines a narrow road that leads to righteousness and eternal life and debunks the claims of other religions.
The Bible also declares it has its supernatural origin. The Bible proclaims its unique status as a document that speaks to each...
Yesterday I began sharing the first of a series of words concerning God's indictment of America. These words are a stern warning, indicating that God's forbearance with America is ending. Today, I am posting parts 2 and 3 of that series. These portions resulted from my asking God to grant me a greater understanding of HIs concerns.
Part 2
But I asked the Lord, "Lord, although I think I understand, will you be specific about what has disgusted you?"
And I believe the Lord responded. He despises
The month of July was a busy time for me. I published and launched my new book, Out of the Ashes. I also assisted [in a small way] in the launch of another book, Ambushed by Joy, written by Hayley Hewitt. So much of July focused on books, advertising, and promotional concerns that I began to dream about it all.
However, that was July. Today is August 15, and a shift is happening in the heavenlies. Now, natural, noticeable changes have occurred with the start of a new school year. School buses are rolling, and parents must deal with new schedules and school supply costs. However, I am speaking of a much more profound change [or shift]. The time of God's forbearance is coming to an end.
Over the last few months, God spoke encouraging words to His people. But, now, God is sending a warning: It is time to repent, to evaluate our thoughts and actions, and change them if they disagree or fail...
Have the last six months flown by you like a whirlwind? Do you feel shaken and tossed? Certainly, the events of 2021 and the beginnings of 2022 can leave the average person shaken. We are in a period of time in which everything that can be shaken is being shaken.
God is allowing this shaking so that we will see our own hearts and discover if we really trust Him, or whether we are only giving Him lip service while we allow our own wants and desires to rule and reign in our hearts. Only as we face uncertainty and adversity do we discover our real heart motivations. It is so easy to deceive ourselves.
And now, when we are weary of the horrors of Covid and Afghanistan, war has engulfed Ukraine. Like many people, I have been praying and interceding. Yes, Ukraine has had a very dark history, but a major revival has been arising in the land and the spirit of the antichrist has risen in opposition to that revival. I am praying for my brothers...
The last month and a half I have been absent from the world's affairs. My own world shrank considerably when my household grew from two people to two people, a four-month old puppy, and a dog whose owner had to be away for a number of months. Between housebreaking a puppy, helping a heart-sick dog adjust to a new environment, and trying to keep the house standing, I have not spend much time considering the significance or impact of events.
So I find myself on this day, November 19th, discovering that the inquisition is alive and well in America. As of December 6th, every hospital in the United States of America is being forced to require 100% vaccinations for Covid-19 of all employees or have all their Medicare and Medicaid moneys with-held.
However, one views the vaccination process, one has to admit this is a drastic step which has the slight odor of heavy-handedness attached.
Locally and in many other areas of the country, people are scrambling...
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