The month of July was a busy time for me. I published and launched my new book, Out of the Ashes. I also assisted [in a small way] in the launch of another book, Ambushed by Joy, written by Hayley Hewitt. So much of July focused on books, advertising, and promotional concerns that I began to dream about it all.
However, that was July. Today is August 15, and a shift is happening in the heavenlies. Now, natural, noticeable changes have occurred with the start of a new school year. School buses are rolling, and parents must deal with new schedules and school supply costs. However, I am speaking of a much more profound change [or shift]. The time of God's forbearance is coming to an end.
Over the last few months, God spoke encouraging words to His people. But, now, God is sending a warning: It is time to repent, to evaluate our thoughts and actions, and change them if they disagree or fail to line up to the Word of God. Over the last week, God has been speaking sternly to me. I will be releasing most of the words that He spoke to me over the next couple of weeks, along with my responses to those words.
Part 1
Here is what I heard the Lord say,
“O America, America! You were raised in glorious beauty,
Dressed in white linen, which was washed in the blood and tears of those who followed the dreams I gave them.
How filthy you are now!
You have set aside your white linen—flung it into the mud—to drape yourself in harlot’s robes [I saw glitter, colorful but gaudy dress, somewhat like an extreme Las Vegas show dress but its colors lurid].
You have turned from righteousness to selfishness and sensuality.
How My heart is broken! How I have desired to pour out blessings upon you, to save you from your present turmoil and pains.
But you have turned from Me. You call evil “good” and mock those who have warned you of My anger—You disgust Me! You have become an obscenity.
I had desired to set you aside.
But then I remembered the covenant of salt that I established with your Founders and heard the selfless cries of My children calling out for mercy.
Therefore, I will remember My covenant. I will place My name before your obscenities.
I will purge you;
I will humble you;
I will pour off the dross [those worthless things] that blind you.
I will break the spirits of Molech and Jezebel from you and release the spirit of compassion upon you.
I will break everything from you until you have nothing to look to, hold on to, except Me.
Then when you seek Me, I will wash you and cleanse you. I will give you a spirit of repentance until I can again robe you in white linen—which is elegant and clean. Then I will again set you upon a hill, to be a light unto the nations. You will be set apart as My possession.
I am a jealous God and will no longer tolerate your iniquities.
LLW--to the glory of God.
50% Complete
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