It's Crush Time

Apr 19, 2023

Have you suddenly had the ground pulled out from under you? Has a loved one hurt you deeply? Have close friends suddenly turned their backs on you or accused you of wretched motives over a simple misunderstanding? Do you feel like you are being crushed under heavy weights?

As Christians, we are called to walk in peace, but life is sometimes full of turmoil.

When this happens, I ask myself:  Have I sinned?  Is this a Satanic attack? Is God testing me?

Now, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 18 [approximately 1000 years ago, according to some people]. I still remember feeling so light as if a heavy weight was off my shoulders, refreshed, and joyful.

My new life was free, paid for by Jesus with His blood. Yet I soon learned that Jesus "never promised me a rose garden." As I began to read the Scriptures, I discovered the Scriptures spoke of trials and a need for me to respond to the Lord in ways that I did not fully comprehend.

The first Bible book I read after...

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Combat Casualties

Apr 08, 2023

I write this on Good Friday. . .

So much has gone on during the last three weeks. Tornadoes and other extreme weather, terror attacks in Israel, a former president under indictment, and children and their teachers murdered. Spring flowers have blossomed in South Carolina, but they bring little comfort.

A few people have wondered why I have not commented on the recent Nashville events or the public responses to those events. One reason was that I mourned; another was that I didn’t know what to say. I did not wish to write out of my feelings; I wanted to hear the Lord's words.

Yesterday morning, during a quiet time, the Lord began to speak softly to my spirit. It was not a big, solemn moment of His glory manifesting; it was more like a friend quietly pointing out the obvious. During this time, God did not comment directly on what was happening in the political realm or about the tragedy in Nashville. He did not even speak of His own sacrifice. Instead, the Lord gently but firmly...

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It's Valentines Day 2023!

Feb 14, 2023

There will be no romantic dinner tonight.

There will be no balloons.

Nor will there be candles, jewelry, or a romantic movie. Instead, my spouse will be spending the evening elsewhere, and I am proud he is.

For many valentines, my husband was working in the hospital. Sometimes I could join him for a quick dinner in the doctor’s lounge. Other times, he didn’t even have time to eat. This year, he will be helping someone we know who has an immediate need.

But when I think of my husband, I think of what Jesus said,

“This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do whatever I command you [John 15:12-14, WEB].

My husband understands what love is. Love is being kind, generous, caring, helpful, understanding, and unselfish. As 1 Corinthians 13 says,

Love doesn’t envy. Love doesn’t brag, is not...

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Is Doomsday Approaching?

Jan 12, 2023

People are on edge with the war in Ukraine, extended droughts, destructive floods, and increasingly violent storms in 2022. The sense of security in what is "normal" has been shaken. Thousands, maybe millions, suffer from anxiety and mental health issues. And most leaders growl and argue, blaming one another rather than helping those that suffer.

 Is Doomsday approaching? Now, those somewhat familiar with the Bible ask, "Does this mean the end of the world is coming? Is Jesus coming soon?"

 Some are excited that Jesus is coming; others are afraid. Others scoff, saying, "People have talked for years about Jesus' return, yet I haven't seen even a whisker of His face."

 These mockers don't realize that they are fulfilling prophecy. [Check out 2 Peter 3:3-7].

 Almost everything that Jesus said would occur before He returned seems to be happening now [Luke 21]. Jesus is coming soon, and His return is getting closer by the day. But if you ask me if...

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The Point of it all--#17

Nov 28, 2022

Why is the Bible so important? Why must a person consider the claims of the Bible carefully? In other words, what's the point of the Bible?

We've previously talked about letting the Bible speak for itself and considering what it says about itself. These include the claims that:

  •  The Bible is a record of the revelations of God given to men.
  • The Bible is inspired; God showed the various authors what to write down.
  • The Bible is inerrant.
  • The Bible has received divine protection to ensure its existence continues throughout history.

However, numerous lies and distortions concerning the Bible's teachings are still bandied about. One often repeated fallacy is that the God of the Old Testament is not the God of the New Testament. Richard Dawkins, in his book The God Delusion, states,

The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic...

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Last But Not Least--#18 Neglected Dynamite

Nov 25, 2022

Publishing houses have repeatedly declared that the Bible is the most published book. Originally written on papyrus and leather scrolls, the Bible is not available in various sizes, languages, exterior colors, and translations. Online and d editions of the Bible also exist.

Yet it is also true that the Bible is one of the most neglected books in the Western hemisphere. Even among those who call themselves believers, few can honestly say they have time set aside daily for Bible Study.

The younger generation often ignores the Bible, while this generation chases spirituality through various causes, occultic practices, and strange religions. Yet the Bible still speaks. It speaks with authority and power to those who will listen to its words. It defines a narrow road that leads to righteousness and eternal life and debunks the claims of other religions.

The Bible also declares it has its supernatural origin. The Bible proclaims its unique status as a document that speaks to each...

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Internal Proofs of Inspiration--#16

Nov 22, 2022

Recently a local church posted billboards around the city declaring that the Bible is God's editorial or love letter to humanity. This view of the Bible as a fiery or affectionate, informative message is undoubtedly true. In some ways, the Bible does resemble a newsy letter from a distant loved one. The Bible is informative, explaining: 

  • creation of both the universe and mankind (Genesis 1-2), 
  • God's concern and interest in mankind (Genesis 1:28, Micah 6:8), 
  • the introduction of sin and death (Genesis 3),
  • and information about long-lost relatives (2 Samuel, book of Chronicles). 

 However, the Bible is more than just a compilation of written records collected some 2000 years ago. It is more than an affectionate letter or a fiery editorial about modern behavior. Unlike other collections of writings, the Bible is more than just paper, cloth, animal skins, and various inks. The Bible is not like any other ancient or modern book; the Bible speaks to the ages.


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External Proofs of Inspiration--#15

Nov 19, 2022

The Bible claims to be a unique writing, a writing that contains the thoughts and plans of the Elohim. This Biblical claim forces humanity to face a series of “If” questions: 

  • If the Bible is the Word of God, then a person had better pay attention to It (Isaiah 34:16). 
  • If the Bible is truly God's Word, then this communication from God is more important than one's home, job, or present circumstances. Even one's concern for others whom one might love or hate pales next to the significance that Almighty God desires to instruct an individual (Isaiah 1: 18-20). 
  • If the Bible is God's Word, it is vitally important that the individual knows what information is in the book (Psalms 119:104). 
  • If the Bible is God's Word, then the Bible alone can fully explain man's feelings of confusion and lostness over his existence (Genesis 3), and the Bible alone will contain the solutions to the questions one faces. 
  • If the Bible is God's communication to...
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"The Word" in Acts

Nov 18, 2022

In our last discussion, we looked at how the Jews of the Old Testament, especially the Psalmist, viewed the Scriptures as the "Word" of God in written form. This reverence and respect for the Scriptures carried over to believers in the New Testament era. 

In the Acts of the Apostles, two words, "λόγος," [logos] and "ῥῆμα" [rhema], are words that translate into English as the term "word." However, only three times—in Acts 10:37, 11:16, and 28:25—does the word "ῥῆμα" appear. The Greek word ῥῆμα means ".. …an utterance (individual, collective, or speculative). . .used to refer to matter or topic . . ." (Strong's Concordance). Throughout the rest of Acts, Luke uses the term "λόγος." To Luke, the term Greek word "λύγος

referred not only to specific individual words said by  Christians (Acts 8:25, 10:44, 13:5.7) but also to a topic “. . . of...

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The Word--Part 2

Nov 16, 2022

Like Moses, David, and even Jesus, the Psalmist treasured the written Word of God.

The Psalmist also knows that he can trust God to protect him and © fulfill His promises (Ps. 56:4). God had already demonstrated the power of His truth (Ps. 33:4) and His covenant promises. God had spoken and acted upon these promises throughout the ages (Ps. 105:8, 147:19). Thus, the promises of God, contained in His Word, give men hope during various trials. "My soul fainteth for salvation, but I hope in Thy Word." (Ps. 119:8l see also 119:116. 107, 154, 41). Over and over again, the Psalmist declares that

  • " I hope in Thy Word." (Ps. 118:81).
  • "I trust in Thy Word." (Ps. 119:423).
  • "I have hoped in Thy Judgements" (Ps. 119: 43),
  • and "in His Word do I hope." (Ps. 130:5).

God's Word also brings comfort and renewal during trials and afflictions (Ps. 119:50, 67, 82). Thus, when the Psalmist needs God's help and protection, he turns to God's Word and His promises as a basis for his pleas for help....

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