#3--Civilization and Divine Revelation

Sep 12, 2022

Have you ever considered what the world would be like is God had never spoken to humanity?

A world void of the revelation of God [either through His prophets or through His Word] would be significantly different. If God had never revealed Himself through His Word, humanity would never have received the assurance and peace that come through faith by hearing God's Word (Ro.10:17). The basis for Western civilization's law and society would not exist. Men would have no absolutes or truth to guide them. If God had not spoken, "at sundry times and in diverse manners… unto the fathers by the prophets. . .” or "unto us by his Son" (Heb. 1:1-2), and if that revelation had not been written down it would have been forgotten by latter generations, the only possible revelation available to man would have been the more obscure revelation of nature, history, or of conscience.

However, the revelation of nature, history, and conscience is incomplete. Yes, God has spoken through nature...

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#4--God's Voice to Man

Sep 08, 2022

The Bible is unique in that it was composed over 1600 years. This Bible, a collection of some sixty-six smaller books, claims supernatural authorship (1 Pe. 1:25; Ps. 119:89). Although some forty men were involved in the creation of the various sections of the Bible, God alone is responsible for the words contained in the Scriptures. This supernatural authorship is confirmed repeatedly by phrases such as “thus saith the Lord,” “the Lord spake. . . “, etc. However, the Bible also reveals that man was important in the formation of the Bible. Moses gave the Law as he received it to Israel (2 Chr. 34:14). Ecclesiastes is called “The Words of the Preacher.” (Ecc. 1:1). Therefore, the Bible is the result of a combined effort between God and humanity.

The Scripture Itself explains how this cooperative effort between God and man to produce the Bible occurred. The Bible states,” All Scripture is given by inspiration of God . . . .” The Hebrew...

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Biblically Thinking: A Series of Meditations Concerning God and His Word--#2

Sep 07, 2022

It’s Alive!

The importance of the Bible in my life has become more apparent as I have grown as a Christian. However, no matter how my failure to acknowledge its influence, the Bible [that collection of books that dares to claim to be the written Word of God] has always undergirded my existence.

I was eighteen years old before I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior; however, I had grown up in the organized church. In Sunday school, I learned the Bible stories found in the Old and New Testament. The Biblical themes taught to me in Sunday School undergirded the development of my moral character and thinking. Although I assumed the Bible was inaccurate in its scientific and historical record and historical record [because of what I was being taught in public school], I still felt the impact of the Bible’s teachings. As a result, my sinful nature was somewhat checked during my youth.

In junior high school I read through the New Testament and found it boring. I was offended...

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There Is a Shift Happening

Aug 15, 2022

The month of July was a busy time for me.  I published and launched my new book, Out of the Ashes.  I also assisted [in a small way] in the launch of another book, Ambushed by Joy,  written by Hayley Hewitt.   So much of July focused on books, advertising, and promotional concerns that I began to dream about it all.

However, that was July.  Today is August 15, and a shift is happening in the heavenlies.  Now, natural, noticeable changes have occurred with the start of a new school year.  School buses are rolling, and parents must deal with new schedules and school supply costs.  However, I am speaking of a much more profound change [or shift].  The time of God's forbearance is coming to an end. 

Over the last few months, God spoke encouraging words to His people.  But, now, God is sending a warning:  It is time to repent, to evaluate our thoughts and actions, and change them if they disagree or fail...

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Unexpected Opportunities

Jul 02, 2022

One of my strengths is the ability to focus intently on one activity or problem.  However, this strength becomes a weakness if I allow myself to become inflexible in my thinking or how I work with the people who surround me.  If I focus on my expectations and plans coming to pass exactly as I have planned, I will suffer great disappointment and may miss God's best for our lives.

When our plans are interrupted or go awry, we have the opportunity to use that problem to grow in grace and become more like Jesus, or we can choose to stew in frustration and disappointment.  A recent book Ambushed by Joy speaks of the balance we need to maintain in order to live in the fulness of life that God intends for us.  

I took the unexpected interruption of a rainy day to make a cartoon video!   Please watch this short video to learn more. 

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Morning musings

May 22, 2022
This post may make you angry, but please read all of it before you respond.
This morning I woke up to hear that a draft memo concerning the Roe vs. Wade deliberations had been leaked.
IF the memo is true...A decision based on false testimony [admitted by the woman who brought the case], poor science [or the lack of accurate science at that time], and an inappropriate interpretation of the constitution will soon be overturned.
Now, what will be the effects of such a ruling?
  • Abortions will continue to be legal in the United States.The only change is that the decision to make abortions legal will be determined state by state. Many states had legalized abortions before Roe vs. Wade passed; many states will probably choose to legalize abortions again.
  • Abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, may have to close some of their clinics. The millions and millions of dollars such providers make each year may be impacted [at least until they...
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